Youth Ministry
Every other Sunday evening during term time from 6 - 7.30pm we run a small but exciting youth club open to all young people of Secondary school age (11yrs+).
There is a programme of games, fun activities, talks and trips to encourage the personal, social and faith development of the young people. The evening includes some creative teaching and prayerful reflection on the theme of the term or something relevant to the young people. This is then followed by social time of games or other fun activities, like music, cooking or a quiz.
On Sunday mornings during the 10:30/11am service we run the Way Makers youth group. This also has a great program of creative discovery. We follow either the readings or theme in church or a different theme for the term, creatively exploring God’s teachings. A great chance to grow deeper in their faith and understanding of Jesus.
Important links with the wider community are via the One Community Trust, CTKS (Churches Together of Keynsham and Saltford), other local Churches and the Wellsway Academy chaplaincy.
Volunteers are essential for running of youth activities and we have a great small team here. We are always happy to welcome new volunteers* aged 18+ (no upper age limit) to join our Youth Team. *DBS checks and safeguarding rules apply.
These are some of the regular activities arranged for various age groups during the week, including Sundays. There are also one off events throughout the year and an annual Summer Residential Trip during the school holidays.
To find out more about the Youth Ministry in Keynsham Parish please contact our youth worker Pip Lovell at