Building for the Future
The ‘Building for the Future’ Group has worked over the last year to bring Forward two possible schemes for the reordering of St John’s church. These were presented to the Church community at a meeting in St John’s on Monday 11th July 2023.
Your chance to comment is below:
Scheme 7C
This is the more extensive scheme with seating above the meeting room and kitchenette
The details are here
heating survey
Below are the results of the 96 returned survey forms
The figures in chart form are available here
The Buildings for the Future Steering group (BTF), will use the consensus revealed below to steer its conversation with the Church Architect over the summer.
Thank you everyone for your responses, and for your offers to be involved
Information from the meetings
These options appraisal plans were prepared by the Architect as blue-sky thinking. They are simply to stimulate ideas. Available here
This is the report to the St John’s District Church Council meeting in January. The presentations expand on this. Available here
Compiled post-it notes from the two meetings are, available here.
Ideas from the first prayer breakfast on 9th April, available here.
Ideas from the second prayer breakfast on 11th June, available here.
Ideas from the evening meeting on 5th July, available here