St John’s Bell ringers
We are a small but enthusiastic and friendly group which aims to ring for every Sunday service. We also ring for many other events such as weddings, school services, and civic and national events.
We are always pleased to welcome anyone who would like to find out more about bellringing and who might be interested in learning this ancient art. We would particularly welcome any lapsed ringers who may like to return to the tower.
Bellringing visitors will be made very welcome for Sunday Service ringing and on practice nights, but please check first with the Tower Captain to make sure we are ringing.
The band is affiliated to the Bath and Wells Diocesan Association of Bellringers.
There is parking near the church in Park Road or in Tesco’s carpark (free for 2 hours) or in the main carpark on Ashton Way.
Details of the bells can be found on the Dove website here
Details of the 21 peals that have been rung on the bells can be found on the Felstead database here
A timeline of the bells’ history is here.
Bells 8 Tenor 24-3-27 in D
Sunday Ringing Usually 10.20 for 11am, but variable, please contact the Tower Captain. Occasional Evensong
Practice night Thursday 7.30 to 9pm
Tower Captain Edric Broom, 07890 364754