Alpha Course

The Alpha course is an opportunity for anyone to explore the Christian faith

What is Alpha?

Alpha is a free, relaxed, friendly and fun low key way to explore the Christian faith together.

The Alpha Course is an 10 week course exploring the Christian faith.

We usually start each session with a meal which is great opportunity for people to get to know each other which is particularly designed to prompt a discussion both with the course leaders and others in your group.

We hope to run another Alpha Course. If you are interested please contact the parish office.

Questions usually asked are:

  • What is the point of life?

  • Why do people suffer?

  • What happens when we die?

  • Is forgiveness possible?

Who is Alpha For?

Alpha is for everyone, especially:

  • New Christians

  • Those wanting to investigate Christianity

  • Newcomers to the Church

  • Those who want to brush up on the basics

For further details please contact the parish office:

Tel: 01179863354