St Francis Church welcomes you

We are a small community church in the heart of Keynsham South
We value diversity and are an inclusive and accepting church.

We hold a variety of services on a Sunday and during the week the church is used by the community.

1st Sunday - Faith in Action - Local Christians talk about their faith and how it impacts on their paid or voluntary work

2nd & 3rd Sunday - Informal worship

4th Sunday - Holy Communion with Children’s groups

The Pattern of services change slightly at Easter, Christmas and other festivals.


Toddlers Groups

Every Tuesday from:

9.15am -10.45am & 1.00pm - 2.30pm.

Every Wednesday from:

9.15am -10.45am.


Butterflies Haven

The church is the centre for Butterflies Haven which supports families affected by autism and provides a meeting space for a range of groups including Diddidance

Who let the Dads out

“Who lets the dad’s out?”

“Who Let The Dads Out” takes place every first Saturday of the month 10.00 - 11.30 at St Francis Church Hall.

This is a great chance for dads and children to play together, along with bacon butties for the dads and toast for the children.

For more information contact


Local Food Bank

We also operate a local food bank from the church


Hire of our facilities

The hall and church can be hired for meetings, parties and local groups. Space Hire

It has a large hall with seating for up to 50 people, suitable chairs and tables for children and Wi-Fi.

There is an upstairs meeting room with a kitchenette which is ideal for meetings of up to 15 people.  The main church can also be used for performances or larger meeting of 75 people.

The kitchen provides facilities for catering for groups, equipment includes a large oven, microwave, plates, cups and saucers and cutlery. Ample washing up facilities are also available.

There is parking for about 15 cars plus on street parking.

For booking please contact the parish office:

Telephone: 0117 9863354