Friends of St John’s Church
“The Friends of St. John the Baptist Church, Keynsham” was inaugurated in 1990.
It is a Registered Charity, and its purpose is to raise money for the maintenance of Keynsham's historic Parish Church. This involves the repair, restoration, improvement and adornment of the Church building and its contents.
As at January 2023, “The Friends” has been able to give over £64,000 towards this work.
St. John's has been handed down to us through the generations, and it is our duty to pass it on to the next generation with everything in good order. So whatever your interest in St. John's may be - as a House of Prayer, as a building of historical and architectural interest, or as a place you associate with a particular family occasion – do please consider supporting the work of “The Friends”. This can be done with a one-off donation, or you may wish to join “The Friends” by means of an annual subscription.
Outside St. John’s Church
Video guide links
Edmund Prideaux offers a guide to St John's Church tower
Local historian Keith Norton describes the history of the tower clock from before its installation in 1729 to the present day
A description of St John's Church Clock in 2021 when the hour chiming mechanism was in need of repair
George Colbourne demonstrates the way invented by Rev,d Henry Ellacombe for one person to ring the church bells
Lesley Organ speaks of the energy and youth required to wind the St John's Church Clock in the days before it was fitted with autowinders in 1975
Inside St John’s Church
This History of St John's
This is available to purchase from the Parish Office for £5 (including package and posting)
It is an 80 page colour illustrated book about the history of the church written by a local historian.
Combined with Edmund Prideaux articles it will give an in depth source of information about our historic building.
Elizabeth White was very involved with local history and a local history teacher.
Notelets for sale
Pack of 6 for £3.00, available from the Parish Office
If you would you like further information, please contact “The Friends of St John’s Secretary” John Lye: