Our Sunday Services

 St. John’s

St John’s is open for private prayer from 9am to 12pm from Monday to Friday.

Sunday services are usually at:

09:15am: Choir-led traditional service using Common Worship liturgy with Holy Communion

11:00am: Contemporary style service with a worship band with groups for children and young people

On occasion we have a said communion service at 8:30am, then all get together for a 10:30am service combining the best of both traditions! See our service calendar for dates of these services.

St Francis

Our Sunday services are usually at 9:30am

1st Sunday: Faith in Action - Local Christians talk about their faith and how it impacts on their paid or voluntary work

2nd & 3rd Sunday: Informal worship

4th Sunday: Holy Communion with children’s groups

The Pattern of services change slightly at Easter, Christmas and other festivals. See the weekly news sheet for dates of these services.

St Margaret’s

We have a Holy Communion service at 11:15am on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month.

St Michael’s

We have a Holy Communion service at 11:15am on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month.

We have a Family Worship service at 11:15am on the 3rd Sunday of each month.