Giving to the work of God and the parish

Loving God and others is expressed in all kinds of ways: coming together to worship God is one, helping our neighbour with practical aid is another. Both will, if we are serious about them, involve money. Loving another person involves money, loving God involves money too.

Keynsham Parish has a strong stewardship tradition with the majority of its members pledging to give regularly through the Planned Giving Scheme, this might be weekly, monthly or annually whatever suits. Everyone is invited to consider whether giving to the work of God in monetary terms, rightly reflects all that we have and enjoy; and what in our heart we want to give to a God who has given us so much in the first place. Each year we ask church members to review their giving, this may be adjusting it up or down or neither.

Each church has to pay an average of £10.60 per member per week to Bath and Wells Diocese to cover the cost of clergy, pensions, houses etc in addition to the running costs of their own church and parish costs, often another £4/£5 per week. Some members are able to give more and some less, everyone must decide what is appropriate to their situation, all is gratefully received.

If you would like more information about joining the Planned Giving Scheme, or giving generally, or leaving a legacy to the church in your will, please contact Jane Stockall at: or via the parish office. [NB there are pledge cards for your use in all the churches.] Thank you.

How should I give?

Ideally by: Bank Standing Order (Each church has its own bank details): Or by: Weekly Stewardship Envelopes. There are other methods eg through some employers GAYE (Give as you earn).

Banker’s Standing Order forms and packets of envelopes may be obtained from Jane Stockall (Planned Giving Officer) c/o The Parish Office or at: There are many advantages of using standing orders for both you and the church. A standing order is totally in your control, it is not a direct debit and you can cancel or amend it at any time. With this in mind when you start or amend your pledge please make sure you notify your bank, the church cannot do this for you. If your circumstances do change and you wish to alter an arrangement it is very helpful if you could either inform the Planned Giving Officer or the Treasurer of your church.

If you pay income tax

Under GIFT AID the Church can recover from the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) the tax that you paid on your offering. Every member of the congregation who is paying tax should fill in a GIFT AID declaration form which can also be obtained from Jane Stockall (Planned Giving Officer). We are also able to claim back the tax on small or large occasional gifts to the church, provided we have a record of the amount you have given. Special yellow GIFT AID envelopes are also available in church for occasional use.

If you pay basic rate tax under Gift Aid we can claim 25p back from HMRC for every £1 donated, donate £100 and it becomes worth £125. If you pay income tax at the higher rate and want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your GIFT AID donations on your self-assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

Pledge Card

These should be available at each church and should be completed and returned to Jane Stockall in its envelope via the collection plate or directly to the Parish Office.Only Jane and the Church Treasurer will know how much you are giving. Please return any completed GIFT AID declaration forms to Jane and any STANDING ORDER instructions directly to your bank.

Legacy Policy

The Parochial Church Council agreed at the meeting on 12th January 2016 a new legacy policy. This is now publicized so that all of us know how the parish will handle any money we might generously leave to any of the churches of the Parish in our Will.

“The Keynsham Parochial Church Council (PCC) reaffirms its commitment to encouraging people to make and review their Wills as part of their Christian stewardship. It welcomes church members leaving gifts in their Wills for the general purposes of the parish, and if they wish to specific churches within the parish. The PCC’s policy is to use gifts in Wills to fund significant development projects in the parish whether buildings, equipment, or staff. Because it may not be possible to fulfill specific donor requests, we prefer gifts to be subject to minimum restrictions.”

Thank you